My Journey: Air Quality.
Winchester Science Centre &
Southampton CC.

Project Management
Conceptual Design
Preliminary Designs / Interactive Design
Pre Vis
Schematic Designs
Production Management
Installation Co-ordination
Southampton County Council.
Winchester Science Centre
Solvin Studios
Southampton County Council and their ‘My Journey’ brand, asked me to create an educational interactive to help children learn about air quality and pollution.
This project required a robust R&D solution that would be part of a static installation in a science centre, and a touring solution. Developing a unique central airflow system was a real challenge. The user is invited to answer a series of questions which resulted in a sensory experience set into a multi-user installation.
This was a great project which really need some blue sky thinking. Working out the technical side of the airflow system and then sourcing a bespoke electronic operations solution was a real learning curve and helps me when approaching similar projects.